Piercing Aftercare Advice

Piercing Aftercare Advice
Looking After A New Piercing

CLEANING YOUR PIERCING – Piercing aftercare advice


Always wash your hands – with an antibacterial cleanser, before touching, cleaning or turning your piercing jewellery.


Never turn or move your jewellery into the piercing – unless it has been carefully cleaned with After Care lotion. This aids the healing process and helps avoid infection.


Clean off any dried deposits on your jewellery – with After Care lotion before turning or moving the jewellery as this could cut inside your piercing, and make it sore and possibly cause an infection.


The cleaning procedure is best carried out using a cotton wool bud – dipped into a small amount of After Care lotion. Hold the jewellery firmly to prevent movement and clean all the exposed jewellery until you are sure all of the deposits have been removed. If you have a BCR – turn the ring until the ball is touching one side. This exposes a section of the ring from inside the piercing, clean this section and turn the ring until the opposite side is exposed, now clean this side.
If you have a NAVEL STUD – carefully move the jewellery to expose as much as the bar as you can, and clean this with a cotton wool bud dipped in After Care lotion. Do this at both ends of the bar.
You have now cleaned the jewellery, so with a small amount of After Care lotion on some cotton wool, carefully clean all the area around the piercing.


We recommend the above cleaning procedure be carried out 3 times a day for the first 3 to 4 weeks – Then twice a day until you feel your piercing has healed. Always dry your piercing thoroughly after a bath, shower or if you go swimming. There is no need for a patch, just ensure you dry it thoroughly. If you unsure of this Piercing Aftercare Advice, pop in and have a chat.

Plain or Jewelled threaded balls need to be checked at regular intervals to ensure they are not becoming loose or about to fall off.
WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST… Turn the ball gently clockwise to ensure you don’t lose the threaded ball; which could lead to complications with the piercing.
We recommend you do this every few hours for a new piercing, then less once you’re happy the ball is not working lose…

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Even with a perfect piercing where all the steps to establish a sterile condition have been taken, some piercing’s still have problems healing. Common causes of healing problems are: handling your piercing with dirty hands, oral contact, using a cleaning agent that is not compatible with your body, not cleaning the piercing properly, or wearing jewellery to which you are allergic. Please call back for our advice.


This will vary from person to person, but in general, the surface of your piercing will heal between 4 to 8 weeks, but the total healing time can take 6 months plus. Regular use of After Care solution will help speed this process considerably. During this time, do not remove the jewellery, as the piercing hole closes very quickly and it may not be possible to replace the jewellery into the piercing. It is not unusual for the area around the piercing to become inflamed for a few weeks after the piercing. Carefully continue with the cleaning procedure. If you are concerned in any way, please call back for our advice. In some cases bleeding from the piercing may occur. Applying pressure to the area for several minutes should stop this. If the bleeding does not stop after a few attempts, call us for advice or seek medical attention.

Do not allow bleeding to continue for a prolonged period without medical attention. When your new piercing has completely healed, you may wish to change it for something more exotic. Body jewellery is available in many interesting designs in solid gold, gold plated, titanium, some set with beautiful gem stones. Titanium jewellery in accordance with the “European Nickel Directive” (European Directive 94/27/EC) is used for the first piercing to avoid allergic reactions.

You can change your body jewellery by yourself, but if you would prefer us to show you how to do it or advise you on the correct size or design, then please call and discuss your requirements with us. We will be delighted to help you.

It can take a year or more for a piercing hole to become permanent. Nose piercing in the first 12 months, can heal up within hours. Ear Lobe piercing will close up and heal if the jewellery is left out for a few hours within the first 12 -24 months. Everyone is different, so best not to leave a piercing without something in place.

Note: In some cases 9ct & 14ct Gold will tarnish due to contact with body fluids. This is unavoidable but harmless.


An itching, rash, or discharge of clear fluid, usually suggests an allergic reaction to the cleaning agent or jewellery metal. If the piercing is having an allergic reaction, it will show signs of redness directly around the opening, an enlarged opening, itching or burning feeling and will ooze a clear / milky fluid. We strongly recommend you used the solution we supply as most allergic reactions are to the cleanser used to clean the piercing or from to frequently, (more than 2 or 3 times a day) cleaning of the piercing. If the piercing is being cleaned more than twice daily, switch to a morning/night only routine. If frequency is not a problem, use aless irritating cleanser.


Another possibility is a reaction from the metal in the jewellery. It is possible to have an allergic reaction to any metal including niobium and titanium, which are usually very hypo-allergenic. If you have had a reaction to a metal in jewellery in the past, then it is not recommended to used that type of metal again. We can supply jewellery in Surgical Steel, Titanium, Niobium, Plasma Gold, 24ct Gold Plated and 9ct, 14ct or 18ct Solid Gold. A recent article on metal allergies stated that studies here and abroad suggest that 10% – 20% of women develop a reaction to stainless steel known as Nickel Dermatitis. This condition, prompted by nickel’s direct and prolonged contact with the skin, can be characterised by redness, itchiness, flaking, burning, swelling, and the hole becoming enlarged. Changing your jewellery to another type of metal should solve any reaction you might be having. Call us for our advice – 01452 526940.


Please make sure young children realise it is important not to touch a piercing with their fingures. The piercing might sting or itich, but fingures are dirty, and touching the piercing means there is the high chance that the piercing will become infected.

It is important to do everything possible to avoid infection. Your risk of infection is small, if you conscientiously attend to the aftercare. Infections are characterised by redness that continues to spread away from the piercing. The infected area will be hot and sore to the touch, and the piercing will ooze greenish yellow pus. If the piercing is infected, clean twice daily with the piercing solution that we can supply and ensure that you don’t touch the piercing or jewellery except with thoroughly washed hands. Use an antibiotic ointment and apply a thin coat which worked into the piercing for a few days will help. Do not use antibiotic ointments for a prolonged period since they keep oxygen, a natural healing agent from reaching the piercing. While rare, some people are allergic to the contents of some antibiotic ointments and thus could cause an allergic reaction on top of the infection. Remember use of antibiotic ointments should not be continued for more than a week. If an infection does occur, removing the jewellery will not necessarily end the infection. It may make matters worse by eliminating the passageway for the discharge of pus and matter. If possible, leave your jewellery in and call in to see us as soon as possible or consult your doctor.

In summary if a piercing is not healing well, check for the following; an allergic reaction to the cleanser, the jewellery metal and check for infection. However, if you are in anyway concerned about your piercing, please call in or telephone us for advice – 01452 526940.

If you have any questions about Piercing Aftercare Advice, please call 01452 526940

and talk to one of our piercing specialist.